Fresno's infamous, "Operation Rezone."
Leading Fresno developer
is indicted on corruption charges
By Mark Arax, Mark Gladstone, Times Staff Writers
FRESNO - The developer who built much of Fresno and Madera counties over the last half-century, whose power has been felt by successive generations of local and state politicians, was indicted Friday on wide-ranging charges that he attempted to corruptly influence public officials to secure approval for housing tracts.
John Bonadelle, 80, was charged along with two former Fresno councilmen, one of whom served as Bonadelle's personal lobbyist for the past two decades.
The article is copywrited so click on link to read complete article.
Wilbert Swieso, a former employee of the City of Fresno, was one of Mr. Bonadelle's associates. Mr. Swieso laughed that Sacramento's FBI was too "stupid" to uncover the water scam behind the fraud. More interesting, however, was Mr. Swieso carrying on about his own secret water operation, which he claims to have single-handedly tied into the City / Bonadelle operation. He said the City of Fresno was too "incompetent" to ever discover or stop him from what he is doing ~ and the public was too "oblivious" to ever see or figure it out. On and on he went about altering the entire city's water system in order to have water diverted to the Sky Harbour, where he owned property. Boasting that no one is braver than he is when it comes to breaking laws ~ including water laws and regulations that prohibit development in that area. No one believed him because it sounded absurd.
NEVER ASSUME THAT SOMETHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Everything he said is true. CLICK: Wilbert Swieso's 50-yr secret sideline
It must first be understood that the City of Fresno does not want any more attention brought to Operation Rezone.
Click Above
Therefore, any municipal fraud reported to them immediately results in panic. They have reacted with name-calling, perjury, sexual harassment ~ followed by death threats. At the cost of human lives, the City of Fresno steadfastly refuses to address or document any reports of municipal fraud / corruption pertaining to the city's water system. (Nothing less than an open invitation for exactly what is taking place.)
Due to the trail of illnesses, infections, deaths from raw sewage being discharged by Swieso's group ~ as well as reports of poisoning and more suspected homicides, unsolved murders, ID theft, real estate and insurance fraud ~ it is imperative that this situation be looked into.
The City of Fresno's risk analysts cannot be trusted as they are among the people recruited by Mr. Swieso. The water department admits they are not behind the alterations to the water system, nor do they have any record of contracting such work out, but it goes no further. Same with street widening, relocation of storm drains, fire hydrants, street lights ~ no record for it.
As unauthorized altering of city and private property continue, city records and PG&E records are altered to make it appear that things have always been as they are now. Regardless of the major building, health, environmental and safety code violations, no one questions anything.
So where is the line drawn between Operation Rezone and what Mr. Swieso is carrying out? How can we know when the City officials order perjury to deny what they do not even know is taking place?!? Example: CLICK: Swieso's Adopt-A-Highway (from hell)
Another example: The City of Fresno has no record of Olive Ave. (Tower Dist.) being widened. Once a tight, 2-narrow street, Olive Ave. now has a middle lane. This would not have been possible without destruction and/or major reconstruction of street-lined properties, yet no record for that either. A closer look shows this was done 1 block at a time. "Planting" of occupants; elimination of remaining property owners. Fraudulent/forged documents recorded; parcel maps altered in escrow; structures re-sold as "original." In addition to witnesses and photographs of Olive Ave. being widened, this can be verified on unaltered city records. (Photographs and unaltered city records have become extremely difficult to find ~ but not impossible.)
Note: Mr. Swieso has invested 50 yrs into his "secret sideline" ~ a closer look at what has been done down Olive Ave., through Fresno's historic Tower District as the street was being secretly widened. CLICK: Olive Ave., a 2-mi. radius.
Mr. Swieso has quite an entourage assisting him in carrying all of this out. For instance, Principal Insurance even assists him in setting up their own employees as well as clients. Gaining access with offers of "help with home repairs" ~ leaving a trail of more sewage back spills caused from replacing the city water system. Illness/deaths ~ more fraudulent/forged legal documents and insurance papers as Mr. Swieso cites his motto, "You can't live for the dead." DiBuduo & DeFendis Insurance was eager to assist Mr. Swieso in annihilation of my family when targeted by Mr. Swieso. Coincidence or not, they have the same address as the Bonadelle Corp! CLICK: Insurance Nightmare.
I personally overheard Mr. Swieso having people run off their property ~ he was giving instructions on when to stop making payments so it would go into foreclosure. In the case of his own son, he stepped in and paid cash while laughing, "Most people are 1 paycheck away from bankruptcy." Other times he "plants" tenants who destroy, file fraudulent lawsuits. The risk analysts actually conspire with Mr. Swieso in creating mold lawsuits and insurance claims via the secretly-clamped water lines ~ Mr. Swieso's group boasts of "acquiring" property in this manner as well.
What is Mr. Swieso doing with all the fraudulent, altered, forged insurance policies? It appears he takes good care of those who assist him in annihilating his prey and/or assist with the reconstruction as they end up with new homes, investment accounts and/or new vehicles. Others are "planted" and serve as "credible witnesses" that nothing has taken place ~ their reward appears to be burglary of those who have been targeted for elimination.
He even moved an attorney into the office next door to his ~ creating fraudulent legal documents. It takes a powerful man to have CA BAR Assn. cover up something like this (or a lot of sabotaging, intercepting, discrediting of reports): CLICK: Swieso / Silva Legal Fraud.
There are witnesses besides me, who have seen Mr. Swieso and his mob relocating / reconnecting PG&E's utility poles and equipment. More altered records to cover up. (Disclosure laws cover up the alleged utility theft that also ensues.) There are victims who have been threatened with lawsuits regarding property lines that were changed by Mr. Swieso ~ more altered records to make it appear that the property lines were always as they are now. The list goes on and on. Unfortunately, Mr. Swieso is correct ~ the City of Fresno appears incapable of looking beyond altered records to see what has taken place; others have been recruited and put their effort into covering it up.
On one hand, Mr. Swieso wants full credit for what he is doing ~ yet at the same time, he says this is the continuation of John Bonadelle's secret water operation. So by implcating Mr. Bonadelle in his "secret sideline," the City of Fresno automatically protects and covers up ANY and EVERYTHING linked to Mr. Swieso?
Regardless of the development fraud Mr. Bonadelle was found guilty of, I find it hard to believe he was involved in such activities as described above. Not to mention, he took great pride in quality workmanship and building standards. How dare the City of Fresno and/or Wilbert Swieso and his mob get by with linking Mr. Bonadelle's name behind such gruesome crimes, citywide construction without permits or inspections (as shown on my page), massive building / health code violations and more. But that is how Mr. Swieso operates ~ in some instances comparing himself to "Hitler" as he has everyone jumping and carrying out his dirty work, while other times referring to himself as a "chameleon" as he uses, manipulates, and points fingers at others for what HE is doing. He destroys lives and reputations of others, while promoting himself as honest and respectable. No one sees beyond the smokescreen.