Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ongoing hell and horrors behind former Fresno Mayor Autry’s Atrocities!

Be sure to read to the end - is this not animal abuse, child endangerment?
Earlier posts describe what the City of Fresno / Alan Autry, Wilbert Swieso conspired in doing in order to seize control of my family’s properties to have them rebuilt on top of the City’s secretly-replaced water system. Deaths (alleged murders), burglary, fraudulent papers, illegal takeover. Continuing to be lied to by the City risk analyst resulted in being bled of ten$ of thousand$ to unknowingly fund their scam. Altered records even included evidence of streets widened, utility poles relocated/reconnected, storm drains replaced / relocated, etc. Rather than handle this discreetly, they used their altered records to deny this took place - claiming no responsibility.
I lost my family, income properties, home burglarized and left a shambles after rebuilt with trash on top of more trash. Poisoned, robbed, raped as this went on. It was not intended I would still be alive so be sure that my reports were not wanted, expected or even allowed.
The Mayor had the lying risk analyst commit perjury to deny what took place while turning the tables and making ME appear the criminal. A Restraining Order was issued against me – found guilty of “harassment” and being a “danger to THEM!!!” All help severed;restitution prohibited.
Here, in this area alone, is a trail lined with with deaths, murders, fraudulent legal documents, illegal distribution of assets – all linked – all behind the 50+ yr secret water diversion operation which former Mayor Alan Autry refers to as his “water infrastructure upgrade.” That is no upgrade – it is the final phase of a 50+ yr cover up.
Despite countless witnesses that Olive Ave. was widened (pic – in front of Rolf’s properties) - the City of Fresno denies it. Because it proves everything I have stated. Not only were parcel maps altered to match the new layout – historic aerial views altered as done throughout the city as this is carried out. Old books reprinted with altered photos. Old (newly printed) maps have been altered and being sold on E-Bay. As the old-timers die and newcomers step in – no one questions anything. Olive Ave. was a tight, 2-lane street – impossible to widen without destruction of street-lined properties. A closer look shows how the alterations (“renovations”) had already been made to all the previous structures on the block in preparation for takeover / reconstruction of our properties. One house removed on each side as others slowly shifted down in a “ripple effect.” “Planted” occupants to participate and deny all.

As you can see by the above photo, widening Olive Ave. entailed relocation of storm drains, street lights, water meters, etc. yet there is no record of it taking place. One minute the City denies this taking place – next they admit it due to the indisputable evidence, which is when they claim it was “contracted out” but they don’t know to who.
Below – City of Fresno’s Mike Sanchez, the so-called expert on the Tower District / Olive Ave.
CLICK:>Meeting with Mike Sanchez
Not only were the structures on Olive Ave. rebuilt on top of haphazardly-clamped together sewer and water lines – the front portions had to be cut back in order to widen the street. To compensate for what was cut from the fronts – property lines were extended in the back. (This is why all the other structures on the block were done first, including removal of 1 home as the others were shifted down, making room for the final properties on Olive Ave. to be set back 8 feet. One by one, plat maps / aerial views altered upon completion of each parcel.)


This did not just begin recently. It began over 50 yrs ago – clearing the path down Olive Ave. entailed fires, removal of buildings, reconstruction as the street was being widened block by block. Done so slowly, no one realized what was taking place.
CLICK:>20+ Fires Down Olive Ave., Within 2-Mile Radius!
This likely explains my father being hospitalized in the 60s after alleged poisoning by City of Fresno official (linked to Swieso etal) – same time my mother was being victimized by this man. Each of my employers and/or employees linked (info upon request) as the torch was being passed for what was coming. So sure I would not be alive to expose any of this, I was informed by more than 1 person about my entire family being monitored all those years ago, including filming with hidden cameras. Not only filming my siblings and I growing up, our parents having sex, but their deaths on film as well. (More upon request.)
My home shown above - located directly behind the Olive properties where the property line was moved 8’. You can see verification of this on the City’s own unaltered water layout. See how the water meter and pipe shown in the photo went from 2’ to 10’ from the fence. My entire home was rebuilt on top of this trash.

Nothing on the entire block is standing as it was when originally built.


Just as it was done when Olive Ave. was widened, the same technique was used with the residential street was widened.

Several feet cut off the front yards – compensated by extending back yards into the alley.


As done throughout the city, here are some photos of homes this was done to across the street and throughout the area.
CLICK:>Truth Behind Homes in Fresno’s “Historic” Tower District
All of the above information has already been posted time and again. The point I am trying to emphasize in this posting is the altered property lines. Specifically, the fence between my next-door-neighbor and me. The owner of the house next door was “planted” in the 80s to conspire with Wilbert Swieso in the annihilation of my family and me, destruction and takeover of our properties to carry out the water scam. (Continuation of earlier tenants.) After serving their purposes, it was one year prior to the husband’s death when Mr. Swieso’s accomplice (Jeffry Winslow) told me exactly how he would die. “Rotation system.”

The widow was more concerned with covering up her participation in the water scam than the death of her husband. She actually had the audacity to continue telling me none of this took place.
Below: Her house shown on the left side – also completely rebuilt (portion at a time); property lines changed. At the time she said she had a “improvement loan” to carry this out – there is no record for what was done to her house. (Including the central heat/air unit installed – same time I was swindled out of paying for 2 new central heat/air units for Rolf’s properties that were switched behind my back as the City was lying and having me bled of ten$ of thousand$.) Those who conspire in the water scam are well-rewarded – some of whom later end up dead ("rotation system" as done here.)


CLICK: My Home
This woman worked at night; home during the day. When I was in bed, I heard water running through MY water lines. In the condition I was being kept, I could not figure it out. Then it appeared my water had also been tied into the properties next door (Olive Ave.) Into the little garage apt. in the back – where Code Enforcement condemned it for anyone to live in, yet the new owner has had people renting / conspiring since the inception of his takeover by fraud. With my final departure underway and from what I understand were plans to have these structures burned down – my home had not only been robbed and rebuilt with trash, it was setting on top of cross-connected water lines!!! It appears my hot water tank was also tied into my next-door neighbor’s house! Knowing she had been caught, the widow and her new boyfriend relocated to another State – moving her nephew and his group into the house to carry out the next nightmare – Round 2 to rectify the cross-connected water lines. 10+/- people living in that house – conspiring with the new owner of Rolfs properties on the other side of me, as well as other surrounding neighbors. Another year of hell – sickness, incapacitated, alleged use of catheter on me during long durations as my home and these properties were torn up again. City of Fresno / Autry / Trost perjury to call me a “liar” about the above was an invitation for the hell to continue. My life and home were left a worse shambles than the first time. This time, the south side of my home was cut back so much, the crawl space in the basement is now a cinder-block wall. Again, all rooms left smaller – hence, more cutting back of my furniture as done the first time. The Queen-size bed in the garage / apt. is now a DOUBLE bed! Tables, dressers cut down. What about the items in storage – they would no longer fit in this layout.
CLICK:!/notes/marla-lee/fresno-ca-local-moving-storage-company/259046120795182>Local Moving / Storage Company
The fence between my neighbor and me was torn apart and set back some more. 2 x 4s broken; planks replaced with rotten wood. In MUCH worse condition than this photo shows (taken earlier this year, after the completion of Round 2.)

My 2 large dogs began getting out – into my neighbor’s yard where they left their back gate open so my dogs could run loose. People were telephoning and/or showing up at my door in the middle of the night. What happened? Why was the fence suddenly falling apart – how did the wood become so rotten? My neighbors merely told me I was responsible to have it replaced.
Like a re-run. Round 1 of the altered property lines entailed the new owner of Rolf’s properties next door (Olive Ave.) showing me an altered parcel map as “proof” that my property was overlapping on his – threatening me with a lawsuit if I did not comply at MY expense. That way, there would be nothing on record linking to him. With the chemicals still in my system, I still did not yet realize all that had taken place. Only later did I see the aerial views which show my garage had already been rebuilt with several feet cut back; he needed my car port to line up.

South side of my home, lawn had already been cut back as well. (Lawn on right side no longer reached sidewalk.)

This was also behind the initial destruction of the fence between my neighbor’s home and mine - so Wilbert Swieso could come to the rescue. He and his work crew built a beautiful redwood fence, completely lined – on the NEW PROPERTY LINE.
Done again – with these people now telling me I am liable. They destroy their victims’ property and alter property lines – then have their victims unknowingly pay for it. Once their victim is dead, with altered records matching the new layout, there is no evidence of wrongdoing.
Years of hell while being bled of my last dime to cover up what the City of Fresno is doing – while their participants are rewarded, which is why reporting them or documenting the evidence is not allowed.
Knowing I have been bled dry and left pinned into a corner, the neighbor 3 doors down offered to help. After first asking me how the fence was holding up, he explained WORMS did this. Grubs, the fat white worms in the dirt, destroyed this fence. (Really? Did they also relocate it?) He offered to replace the 2 x 4s before the fence falls over – all I have to do is pay for the posts and cement. Sounds like a great deal since this fence is now wavering in the wind and will soon fall over, eh? My good “friends” want to “help” me?
How about I do some helping? I’ve already lost my family, income, belongings, been poisoned and raped with ongoing death threats for trying to survive – now the lives / welfare of my current dogs are in jeopardy. Not only allowing them to get out – there are 2 pit bulls in that yard next door. Several months old, getting bigger by the day – being abused, living in horrific conditions. Left in an empty above-ground pool for days at a time, crying all day and night as they scratch and try to get out. Hot as hell in the summer, soaking wet in the winter – no companionship; no protection whatsoever. The neighbors claim this kind of abuse will make the dogs grow up to be mean and vicious. Really? Like the last little puppy they did this to? It got so cold they finally allowed that one to sleep on their back porch, where it froze to death.
Or how about I inquire as to the laws regarding pit bulls in the City?
CLICK: CA Property Ins Laws – Pit Bulls
Going to show me some insurance papers that allow pit bills on this property? I know about the scanned/ altered legal documents, insurance papers, autographs, photos, etc. I also know about fraudulent financing information where the owner makes payments to herself/himself. Not accusing the owner of this house because I have not looked into it – let’s just say that she is an employee of the IRS, involved in horrific crimes.
What about the 2 little girls (under age 3) who live with these 2 pit bulls that are being raised to become attack dogs. The parents have already been reported to Child Protective Service on 2 occasions for abusing 1 of the girls. I regret informing the investigators that all was fine over there – obviously the people who reported the abuse know more than I do/did (not mentioned here.)
This should come as no surprise:
In addition to a growing sensitivity to the rights of animals, another significant reason for the increased attention to animal cruelty is a mounting body of evidence about the link between such acts and serious crimes of more narrowly human concern, including illegal firearms possession, drug trafficking, gambling, spousal and child abuse, rape and homicide.'”
CLICK: The Animal Cruelty Syndrome
"Abusing an animal is a way for a human to find power/joy/fulfillment through the torture of a victim they know cannot defend itself." (Animal and human)
CLICK: Cruelty Connections
Recap of the people living in the house next door – owner and occupants linked to 3 murders.
1. Owner’s son is in prison for murder.
2. Owner lying / covering up information behind the death of her husband. (Alleged murder.)
3. While in the midst of Round 2 to my home, one of the occupants was accused of murder; now in jail.
These are the people used as "credible witnesses" that nothing took place on any of these properties. Rewarded for their participation in the atrocities behind the water scam with Alan Autry linked to altered records, perjury and R.O. against ME to cover up the evidence – making sure I am left pinned into a corner with no way out. Information behind the deaths of my earlier family members also buried behind the cover-up. No help or justice for victims, dead or alive.
Two (2) doors west is the unsolved William Polzin murder. One (1) door east is the alleged disappearance of Albert Perez after being lied to / set up by City risk analyst. There are more. Entire area linked to murders, fraud, illegal takeover behind the water scam. Ongoing death threats against me at the same time I continue being victimized.

1 of 2

1 of 2
Three (3) relocated sewer manholes as well

2 of 2

2 of 2
Finished Product (Connecting Property)

New Sewer/Water Lines Down Alley

New Sewer/Water Lines Down Alley
Olive Ave. widened as well - no notice

Side of Garage

Side of Garage
Found 6"-8" Deep

Beneath House

Beneath House
Beneath House / New walls

Lines Switched With Corroded Trash

Lines Switched With Corroded Trash
Found under a new wooden floor in tool shed

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