Wednesday, April 15, 2015

BEWARE! Behind Central CA Water Scam / Drought

Our officials are covering up evidence behind 60 yrs of rebuilding the central valley on top of the revised water infrastructures.  Old records replaced with revised records.  “Historic” aerial views altered to match the new layouts as though nothing has changed.  Old books / directories reprinted.  “Old” maps resold on E-Bay (after being revised.)  Photos scanned / altered.  Online photos blackened or removed.

According to self-proclaimed co-mastermind, Wilbert G. Fresno (former employee of the City of Fresno) as well as others, this is a Bonadelle Development / City of Fresno venture.  Water diversion for massive upcoming development i.e., gambling communities, casinos, golf courses, race tracks, and of course the high-speed rail project.  Do a Google search – CA to become the next “Gambling Capital of the Nation!”

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was brought in to approve many new casinos as well as new waterways.  Mayor Alan Autry (aka: Bubba Skinner) was used to prohibit reports of the ruthless, gruesome annihilation / takeovers accompanying this operation at the same time promoting himself as CA’s “water shortage” spokesman.

Clearly, those at the core of this operation did not foresee a REAL water shortage on top of what they have done / continue doing.  Officials in Fresno, CA have stooped to name-calling, perjury, threats and finally, a multi-million dollar cover-up of evidence (including evidence behind accompanying deaths/murders as paths cleared.)  The evidence is still her for anyone who looks beyond the lies and altered records.

The public is entitled to be safe - they are entitled to the truth instead of more lies as evidence is altered.  Per Mr. Swieso:  The public does not see what is going on right under their noses."  "Most people believe whatever they are told."  "No one will ever figure it out."

"California saw a record number of deaths from the West Nile virus last year, and the state's drought may have contributed to the spike in infections, according to health officials."
Click ===>  California saw record number of West Nile deaths in 2014  (4/9/2015)

"Native pigeons and waterfowl fall victim to avian disease.”
Click ===>  Fowl play: California’s drought fingered in bird deaths (4/2/2015)

Increased wildfire threats.
Click ===> Intensifying Calif. drought sets off alarms  (3/18/2015)

“Long-term withdrawal of water in the San Joaquin Valley is leading to a decrease of stress on the San Andreas fault, and this promotes earthquakes.”
Click ===>  The California Drought May Mean More Earthquakes (5/2014)

“On Wednesday, a group of scientists offered a new, intriguing theory: The quakes are triggered in part by the pumping of groundwater in the Central Valley, which produces crops that feed the nation.  These results suggest that human activity may give rise to a gradual increase in the rate of earthquake occurrence," said the study published in the journal Nature.”
Click ===>  Depletion of Central Valley's groundwater may be causing earthquakes (5/2014)

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The above links / information does not include how this operation has affected our tap water (pregnant women and those with compromised immune systems advised not to drink it) or the cases of illnesses, infections, respiratory, amputations and/or deaths following the sewage being discharged behind victims' backs as each parcel is turned over without permits / inspections.  Or the cross-connected water lines, let alone cross-connected gas lines behind fires.  Per Mr. Swieso:  "No one will ever figure it out."

So many horrific safety, environmental and building code violations, our officials are using altered records to deny all knowledge / responsibility as they focus on denying while covering up the evidence that was exposed.   Ongoing tragedy.

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1 of 2

1 of 2
Three (3) relocated sewer manholes as well

2 of 2

2 of 2
Finished Product (Connecting Property)

New Sewer/Water Lines Down Alley

New Sewer/Water Lines Down Alley
Olive Ave. widened as well - no notice

Side of Garage

Side of Garage
Found 6"-8" Deep

Beneath House

Beneath House
Beneath House / New walls

Lines Switched With Corroded Trash

Lines Switched With Corroded Trash
Found under a new wooden floor in tool shed

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