Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Behind the Fresno, CA water scam


Entire city rebuilt on top of secretly replaced water system. Unless the alterations / major reconstruction (without permits or inspections) are carried out in-between sales or under the guise of "home repairs" heinous methods are used to "clear the path."

Below: How the street was widened (destruction / reconstruction of street-lined properties) and altered property lines without leaving witnesses or complaints. (The risk analyst was paid to lie and set up property owners for annihilation of 4 parcels - mission accomplished.)

The City of Fresno then denied widening the street as well as relocation of fire hydrants, street lights, utility poles, etc. because the parcel maps and aerial views were altered to make it appear that things were always this way. The City's own water layout (as well as witnesses and photographs verify Olive Ave. was widened.)

Several feet cut off front lawns; alleys made more narrow to compensate

NOTHING was left standing as it was when originally built - altered parcel maps and aerial views are covering all of this up throughout town. Below: Same block as above.

Kerry Trost, Sr Risk Analyst mentioned below, committed perjury to cover all this up and has since refused to acknowledge me.

Ongoing attempts to seek help for the suspected homicides, destruction, burglary, rape fraudulent legal documents and restitution for what took place resulted in perjury, death threats, and sexual harassment.

See how CA State Bar covered up for the fraudulent legal documents behind above victims, including an attorney who appears to be fake!

Click Above

Principal Insurance regarding their "top agent" (who "shared" clients with the above attorney)

Same diagram as above.

Conspired with Swieso - cancellation / non-renewal as clamped water lines were loosened, creating a massive mold problem. Sending MY business to Swieso's office despite repeated attempts to STOP!

Attorney Referral

Swieso on his property at Friant


===> CA Gov. Signs $11 BILLION water bond in Friant!

For more Click: Marla

1 of 2

1 of 2
Three (3) relocated sewer manholes as well

2 of 2

2 of 2
Finished Product (Connecting Property)

New Sewer/Water Lines Down Alley

New Sewer/Water Lines Down Alley
Olive Ave. widened as well - no notice

Side of Garage

Side of Garage
Found 6"-8" Deep

Beneath House

Beneath House
Beneath House / New walls

Lines Switched With Corroded Trash

Lines Switched With Corroded Trash
Found under a new wooden floor in tool shed

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